The earliest records of the organization of the church state that on September 10, 1873, a small group of people came together for the purpose of beginning a Baptist Church in Russellville. In 1874, Miss Mary Allen donated property near the corner of South El Paso and West 2nd street on which a small one room building was built. The church gave to missions literally from the very beginning.

In 1876, $ 8.50 was contributed to missions. The church grew slowly and for many years the pastors served part time, for one year, or less. The population of Russellville in 1880 was 825.

In 1916, the average Sunday school attendance was only 85 people. The church began to grow with the continued development and expansion of the railroad as well as the coal mining and the agriculture industry.

In 1918, a new auditorium was built for the growing congregation under the leadership of Pastor A.F. Cagle. Church members promised the bank through signed agreements to give amounts ranging from $ 25 to $500 in annual payments of 1, 3 or 5 years.

In the early 1940’s, under the leadership of Pastor Fritz Goodbar (who served the church from 1937-47), on-campus ministry at Arkansas Tech began. By 1951, FBC built a Baptist student center on a lot adjacent to the campus. Average church attendance at this time was around 350 people and the church budget was $ 25,000.

The 1950’s would include increases in church membership and Sunday school enrollment. Under the leadership of Pastor A.E. Webb, a three-story education building was built in 1956 at a cost of $ 126,000. Pastor Emil Williams served from 1957-1964. In 1961, FBC planted the Pottsville First Baptist Church.

In 1962, a beautiful, new auditorium was constructed on South Denver Ave at a cost of $ 230,000. FBC continued planting churches in 1963. Fair Park Baptist Church, located by the Pope County Fairgrounds.

In the 1970’s Russellville’s population crossed over 10,000 people. And weekly average church attendance exceeded 500 people for the first time. This decade saw the expansion of mission efforts across the nation under the leadership of Pastor Jack Riley (1974-83). During this period, FBC set her first Lottie Moon Christmas offering goal of $ 5,000.

First Baptist called Stephen Davis as pastor in 1984 and he served for 27 years (1984-2011). During this era, FBC greatly expanded her presence in downtown Russellville. But her reach went all the way around the world as well.

In 1990 FBC built a new building across El Paso St to the west providing much needed education space and a new fellowship hall. The church adopted dual worship services in 1995. By 1997, average weekly Sunday school attendance surged to over 800 people. In 2000, an Event Center was built that included a two-story wing providing additional educational space for preschoolers and elementary age children.

In 1996, a young man by the name of Greg Sykes joined FBC. His fiancé was Jamie Carter (who grew up in First Baptist, the daughter of Jim and Wanda Carter). Greg and Jamie were married at FBC later that same year. As Greg was serving the Lord at another church in the area, First Baptist was developing a renewed focus on young families and children’s ministries. FBC hired Greg as Children’s Pastor in 2002.

Greg served the church faithfully and was named Associate Pastor. Upon the retirement of Stephen Davis in 2011, FBC named Greg as Senior Pastor.

He led the church through a major building campaign entitled the Genesis Project (2015-17).

The $ 11 million dollar project included a new worship center, music suite, and nursery. In an amazing display of unity and generosity, FBC raised the funds to pay off the debt by the end of 2021.