Wes Akers – 3.27.22

Wes Akers – 3.27.22

Wes Akers – 3.27.22 In this message, we have the great privilege to hear a sermon from God’s Word from Wes Akers.  Wes serves as our Assistant Minister to Young Adults (among many other things), and we are blessed to have he and his wife, Tyler, on our team at...
Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Lord, Teach Us to Pray In this message, we consider what we commonly call, “The Lord’s Prayer.”  But, in truth, we should refer to it as, “The Disciples’ Prayer,” because it is Christ’s introduction to them regarding how they should pray. Lord, Teach Us to Pray by...
Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Good Better Best

Good Better Best In this message, we consider two very familiar Gospel incidents which should push us all to consider the balance between the temporal and the eternal, as well as what is good, better and best in our lives. Good Better Best by Greg Sykes | Luke...
Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Ambassadors of the King

Ambassadors of the King In this message, we hear some new marching orders for Christ’s extended band of disciples – made all the more important and more timely because He is only a few months from the Cross. Ambassadors of the King by Greg Sykes | Luke...