“Know God’s Word. Share His Story. Defend the Faith.”
Family Pastor-Youth: Dusty Lindsey // (479) 968-1316 // Email: dusty@fbcruss.org
FBC Student Ministry understands that our place is only secondary to that of the family. Our desire is to disciple and encourage those God entrust to us. We are here to help parents & guardians along the journey of raising teenagers in a world that pulls them in so many different directions. We want to partner with families and in setting godly examples to those whom we have an opportunity to influence. Together we can make a difference that will last for an eternity!
Weekly Activities
- 9:30 Sunday School
- 11:00 Worship/Preaching
- 4:00 Sound Foundation (Youth Worship Choir)
- 5:00 Ministry Tracks
- Drama Team
- For Girls Only
- For Guys Only
- Accountability Groups
- Orchestra Team
- Evangelism Team
- C3 – Children’s Ministry
- Church/Bible Study
- 6:00 Students meet in the Fellowship Hall for worship, teaching and friends.
- 7:00-7:30 Small Groups

To sign up for our parent or student texting group, text your name to 479-970-5003. Feel free to share your info here as well.
Get involved in serving God and others through a MISSION TRIP
We have a variety of opportunities for 8th – 12th graders to make a difference. Look for more to be posted soon.

Start making summer plans now

Super Summer JV (completed 6th – 8th grades)
JUNE 18-21, 2016
Super Summer Senior High (completed 9th – 12th grades)
JUNE 21-25, 2016
Ed Newton
The Digital Age
Learn more about Super Summer AR

Contact Us
Please specify your area of interest and include a brief message:
Wednesday Activities, Sunday Activities, Mission Trips, Summer Camps, Summer Activities