I Have Overcome the World
In this message, as we conclude our sermon series, “In the Upper Room,” from John 13-16, we are given five little words from our Savior that should end all of our restlessness and fear.
That Your Joy May Be Full
In this message, as we move into week nine of our sermon series, “In the Upper Room,” from John 13-16, we’re given a beautiful dose of joy, the kind of joy that invades a fallen, broken world and changes everything and everyone.
The Spirit of Truth
In this message, as we move into week eight of our sermon series, “In the Upper Room,” from John 13-16, Christ removes the veil around the Spirit – He gives us a clear grid within which the Spirit works and explains His ministry and role.
The Hatred of the World
In this message, as we move into week seven of our sermon series, “In the Upper Room,” from John 13-16, Christ reminds His disciples – and us, of course – that the world truly will hate His disciples, and that is why we’ve been given the Spirit of God as a helper.
You Are My Friends
In this message, as we move into week six of our sermon series, “In the Upper Room,” from John 13-16, Christ challenges His disciples – and us, of course – regarding true friendship, starting with friendship with the Father and radiating outward.
Abide in Me
In this message, as we move into week five of our sermon series, “In the Upper Room,” from John 13-16, we are given one of the secrets of the Christian life – but it’s not a secret because it’s hidden; it’s a secret because it’s too often neglected in our age.
A Powerful Presence
In this message, as we move into week four of our sermon series, “In the Upper Room,” from John 13-16, we are shown that we can experience God in our lives as the Spirit, the Son, the Father, the truth, and – less understood and often forgotten – as peace.
Show Us the Father
In this message, as we move into week three of our sermon series, “In the Upper Room,” from John 13-16, we are powerfully reminded that our Savior came not just to defeat death, Hell and the grave, but also to vividly show us the Father.
In My Father’s House
In this message, we move into week two of our sermon series, “In the Upper Room,” from John 13-16, and we receive a simple but powerful cure for anxiety from the heart of our Savior.
The Eleventh Commandment
In this message, we kickoff a new sermon series, “In the Upper Room,” from John 13-16. In this intimate discussion between Christ and His disciples the night of His arrest, we are challenged with the Eleventh Commandment.