The Watchful Servant In this message, we continue our sermon series, “Journey to Jerusalem,” and we consider Christ’s instructions on how we should live in these “last days,” the time in which the days are dark and Christ could return for His bride at any time. The...
How to Be Rich In this message, we continue our sermon series, “Journey to Jerusalem,” and we consider Christ’s blunt instruction regarding how we are to see wealth in the light of life’s necessities but the weight of eternity. How to Be Rich by Greg Sykes | Luke...
The Cure for Hypocrisy In this message, we continue our sermon series, “Journey to Jerusalem,” and consider Christ’s instructions to His disciples on how to cure hypocrisy. The less you think you need this cure, the closer attention you had better pay! by Greg Sykes...
Religious Hypocrisy In this message, we again see Jesus bluntly addressing an issue which is still prevalent today – especially in the church and the body of Christ: religious hypocrisy. Religious Hypocrisy by Greg Sykes | Luke...
A Teachable Heart In this message, we hear one of the most severe rebukes delivered by Christ regarding the crowds – and it’s directed toward those who are hard of heart. In response, we should all be quick to consider whether our hearts are teachable or not to His...
Lord, Teach Us to Pray In this message, we consider what we commonly call, “The Lord’s Prayer.” But, in truth, we should refer to it as, “The Disciples’ Prayer,” because it is Christ’s introduction to them regarding how they should pray. Lord, Teach Us to Pray by...