“The mission of the FBC Children’s Ministry is to introduce individuals and families to Jesus Christ and then establish and equip them so that they might help others in the same way.”
How Can I find the Children’s Ministry?
Our goal is to demonstrate God’s love to all children and to provide Biblical teaching in a loving and safe environment.
Our core values are: (1) safety and security; (2) creativity; (3) community; (4) Biblical truth; and (5) a nurturing environment.

Minister to Children and Families
Brandon Mistler

Preschool and Children’s Ministry Assistant
Ashley Young
Life Groups – 9:30 am
Life Groups are offered for children (kindergarten—fourth grade) at 9:30 a.m. All elementary age classes meet on the second floor of the Events Center building. Dedicated adults teach the children the Word of God in an age-appropriate, small group environment.
Children’s Large Group Time (Sundays 10:50 a.m. k-2nd grade)
At 10:50 a.m. children (kindergarten to second grade) participate in an interactive and vibrant large group time that includes active songs and creative Bible teaching. Small group craft activities complement the large group time.
Children’s Choir (Sunday’s 5:00-6:00 PM during school year, k-7th)
Children’s Choirs are offered for children in kindergarten through seventh grade. Children have the opportunity to learn more about God’s love for them through God’s gift of music in Children’s Choir.
AWANA Sparks & T&T (Wednesday’s 6:00-7:30 PM during school year)
AWANA is a Bible-centered activity providing Wednesday night clubs and programs for Kindergarten through fourth graders. The acrostic AWANA comes from the first letters of Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed (2 Timothy 2:15). The goal of AWANA is to reach boys and girls for Christ and train them to serve Him. Clubs consist of a game time, handbook time (Scripture memory), and a council time of Bible teaching. Come join us and experience the fun and spiritual growth of this exciting program.