Justin Myrick
College Pastor: Justin Myrick // (479) 968-1316
“Challenging students to find true life, and follow the way of Jesus”
Weekly Activities
Serve Night // Wednesdays, 5:00 PM, FBC Fellowship Hall
Learn to serve. Learn to give. Specifically, learn to do those things within the local church. Come serve with us. Free dinner included!
Start making summer plans now

Why Vintage?
Simply put: because the harvest is plentiful and the workers are few. Vintage exists to help raise up college students to do something more. Knowing Christ is a free gift. Following Christ will cost you everything. Sadly, many college students never grasp this truth. It’s Luke 14, and Vintage propels you to count the cost, and truly follow Him.
This pursuit will ultimately lead you in two directions:
1. A genuine pursuit of God. Christ said himself, “I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him he will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing.” A huge part of this project is learning to remain in Christ.
2. A genuine love for others. True love for God propels you to love others. It is not simply about you becoming a “better Christian.” It’s Acts 20:24 and Matthew 28:18-20. This project helps to equip students in making an impact for Christ on the ATU campus.
This is the something more. You only get a few summers. Do not waste them. Invest them into something eternal…something that will help you in the, oh so sweet, journey of following Jesus!
“Vintage is a summer discipleship project that encourages true Biblical community while equipping students for a lifelong passionate pursuit of Christ.”