Kid's Ministry
Nursery/Preschool – 7th Grade
Student Ministry
Grade 8th – 12th
College Ministry
College Age
Young Adult Ministry
Age 21 – 30
Adult Life Groups
All Ages

Senior Adult Ministry
Age 60+
Campus Ministries
Bible Studies & Discipleship Groups

2025 Spring Discipleship Groups
Sunday Nights
- “The Gospel: Metaphors of Salvation”
Led by Pastoral Staff
5:00 to 6:00 PM – begins 1-19 & ends 4-13, WC - Parenting Study
Led by Wes Akers
5:00 to 6:00 PM – begins 2-16 & ends 3-9, Fell. Hall

Men’s Weekday Groups
“Foundations” by Robby Gallaty
Led by Bruce Conley
6:00 PM Wednesday – begins 9-11, Upper Room

Women's Weekday Groups
“Keep the Faith” by David Jeremiah
Led by Leslie Housley – books $15
6:00 PM Wednesdays – begins 1-8 & ends 3-5, Rm E-223 -
Led by Debbie Swindell
6:00 PM Wednesdays – begins 1-8 & ends 2-26, Rm W-123 -
“Ephesians” by Jackie Hill Perry
Led by Kristel Hines – books $20.00
9:30 AM Thursdays – begins 1-16 & ends 2-27, Rm W-123 -
“Genesis Part 4 & 5” by Precept Ministries
Contact: Wanda Carter or Sue Pate – books $20
9:30 AM Thursdays – begins 1-23 & ends 3-13, Fell. Hall

Pastor's Bible Study
Noon Wednesdays Only – begins 9-11, Fell. Hall Contact church office for lunch reservations.
Lessons will be available online each week.
Learn More about Our Vision & Life Group Model
We believe that the Word of God is absolute truth and that it is applicable to all areas of our lives. As II Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.”
Our Life Groups are intended to help individuals develop deep relationships while studying the Word of God. The Life Group is our most important step in discipling an individual to grow in Jesus Christ. It is in our Life Groups that we truly begin to learn how to fulfill our church passion: to know Him and make Him known!
Family First
At First Baptist Church of Russellville, we believe that family should come first. The church, itself, is an extended family for all members. It is also God’s design that parents should be the primary spiritual influence on their children, so our Life Group structure is intended to allow families to worship together.
If you have children in the third grade or older, we would encourage you to select a Life Group from the 9:30 a.m. hour. This will allow you to attend church with your family. Families with younger children can attend a class during either the first or second worship service.
Life Stage Second
After you’ve made plans to take care of your family members, then you need to consider your life stage. If you are a senior adult, we obviously offer several options for those in your life stage. The same is true of young adults, married couples, college students, singles, etc. Just look through the groups that we offer and begin to visit those which fit your current life stage.
Fellowship Third
Generally, you’ll find several Life Groups at First Baptist which fit your current life stage. We encourage you to visit several groups and begin to see which one you connect with. We are confident that all of our teachers treasure the Word of God and communicate it effectively.
Our Life Groups are our small group ministry outlet—you want to attend a Life Group with folks you’re comfortable praying with, serving with, and experiencing God with. Join a group of quality people and discover the opportunities offered for you to serve the body of Christ.
Lock Arms & Serve
Once you’ve found a Life Group, we would encourage you to begin to build relationships and pray about opportunities to serve others through the ministries of First Baptist. We come to church first to worship and praise our heavenly Father. Secondly, we come to serve Him and others as opportunities present themselves.
We desire to be an Acts 1:8 church. This verse says, “And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” This verse means that we are to impact our local community, the larger region around us, and the entire world for Jesus Christ. Come join us and be on mission with God!