Final Instructions
In this message, we consider God’s final instructions before His glory takes up residence in the Tabernacle in Exodus 40:1-16. Again, there’s an obvious emphasis on God’s desire for our obedience.
In this message, we cover a lot of text, text that is often taken for granted — but it pictures something so crucial: Israel’s absolute, unflinching obedience to all of God’s commands regarding the construction and consecration of the Tabernacle.
A Call to Worship
In this message, we see a direct call to Israel to worship God rightly, and that worship involved much, much more than just music, or hymns, or choruses – all of which is still true today.
Covenant Renewal
In this message, we see the pinnacle of Moses’ intercession for Israel and God’s grace on display – despite Israel’s rebellion, God fully renews and restores His covenant with the nation.
The New Tablets
In this message, we see God walk Israel back through the same test of life they had previously failed – do we learn anything from our missteps and failures? Do we actually learn more from our failures than our successes?
The Intercession
In this message, we see a vivid reminder that sin has consequences – not because God is capricious or hateful, but because painful consequences are often the only things that will force us to take our sins seriously and flee them.
The Judgment
In this message, we are reminded that although the mercy and grace of God are amazing, and even the most wicked sins can be forgiven, the consequences of sin do not always vanish.
The Rebellion
In this message, we come to both one of the most wicked periods of sin in Israel’s history but also one of the most vivid pictures of our need for an intercessor and a Savior.
In this message, we begin our final series in our journey through Exodus, “Covenant Renewed.” Before God inaugurates Israel’s use of the Tabernacle, He chooses to reemphasize several portions of the Old Covenant – and there’s much we can learn from what He highlights.
Gifted Craftsmen
In this message, we conclude this series on the Tabernacle through “Gifted Craftsmen,” in Exodus 31:1-11. We see skilled workers and skilled workmanship with divine appointment and divine equipment. Even today, there are still ways that the church can craft beautiful things for God’s glory.
Bought With a Price
In this message, we continue our journey through Exodus and the Tabernacle through “Bought with a Price,” in Exodus 30:11-21. As we consider the atonement money and the bronze basin, we’re reminded of two great New Testament truths: salvation and sanctification.
The Altar of Incense
In this message, we continue our journey through Exodus and the Tabernacle and consider “The Altar of Incense,” in Exodus 30:1-10. This crucial element of the Tabernacle clearly brings into view our privilege of prayer and our intimacy with God.
A Daily Dwelling
In this message, we continue our journey through Exodus and the Tabernacle and consider “A Daily Dwelling,” from Exodus 29:38-46. It’s a very good look at how the Tabernacle was intending to symbolize a total surrender to the Lord, for both priests but also all the nation of Israel.
The Consecration of Priests
In this message, as we continue our journey through Exodus and the Tabernacle, we consider “The Consecration of Priests,” in Exodus 29:1-37. As we finish this look at the holy operations of the Tabernacle, we see that everyone and everything involved in its work needed to be cleansed, enabled, anointed and sanctified.
Fit For A Priest
In this message, as we continue our journey through Exodus and the Tabernacle, we consider “Fit for a Priest,” in Exodus 28:31-43. As we finish our look at the priestly garments, we are reminded of some key responsibilities of believers in the church era, especially holiness.
The Priest’s Breastplate
In this message, as we continue our journey through Exodus and the Tabernacle, we consider “The Priests’ Breastpiece,” in Exodus 28:15-30. In so many ways, the breastpiece is the centerpiece of the priests’ garments, and it is rich with implications for the church today – implications that all point to the work of Christ in our lives.
The Priest and Their Ephod
In this message, as we continue our journey through Exodus and the Tabernacle, we consider “The Priests and Their Ephod,” in Exodus 28:1-14. As we look at the work of the priests, we should see them simply as an extension of the work of the Tabernacle – reminding all believers that we are to be about God’s business.
God’s Courtyard and the Oil
In this message, as we continue our journey through Exodus and the Tabernacle, we consider “God’s Courtyard and the Oil,” in Exodus 27:9-21. Thankfully, the Courtyard was designed as a place for the people to gather – and along with the oil, it reminds us that the Tabernacle was a place of worship.
The Bronze Altar
In this message, we resume our journey through Exodus and the Tabernacle. We pick back up with a look at “The Bronze Altar,” the most significant item in the Tabernacle that points to the most crucial work of Christ in the lives of His children.
The Structures and the Screens
In this service, we continue our sermon series on “The Tabernacle” with a look at the structure of the Tabernacle itself and its two primary screens – one for the outer veil, but one that was most critical, the screen shielding the Holy of Holies.
The Ceilings and the Coverings
In this service, we continue our sermon series on “The Tabernacle” with a look at what at first seems like unimportant details – the Tabernacle’s ceiling, curtains, and coverings. But, again, we will see more than hints to the person and work of Jesus Christ in each element.
The Bread of the Presence and the Lampstand
In this service, we continue our sermon series on “The Tabernacle” with a look at the bread of the presence and the lampstand, and even at a surface glance, it’s hard not to think about Christ when you consider either bread or light. He is the bread of life and the light of the world.
The Ark and the Mercy Seat
In this service, we continue our sermon series on “The Tabernacle” with a look at two of the most priceless, most powerful elements, elements which were to host God’s visible glory – the ark of the covenant and the mercy seat.
Freewill Offering
In this service, we begin a new sermon series in our journey through Exodus, “The Tabernacle.” In so many ways, the Tabernacle was the grand fulfillment of God’s choicest promises to Israel to be their God and to manifest His glory to them.
Covenant Confirmed
In this message, as we conclude our series on “The Covenant,” we witness the sobering, official ratification of the covenant between Israel and Jehovah God. Did the people really understand what they were being promised and what their end of the agreement was?
God’s Promises
In this message, we are reminded that God’s covenant with Israel was a conditional covenant. He made them a series of extraordinary promises – if they were faithful to obey Him.
Sacred Occasions
In this message, while we are mindful of Father’s Day, we are consider what the Law has to say about special days or “sacred occasions.”
God’s Character
In this message, we are reminded that a God who is holy, a God who is just, requires Godly character from His children and His church.
Consecrated to God
In this message, we get a vivid reminder of God’s principles of righteousness. We are reminded of the kind of behavior God expects if we are to be consecrated to His service.
Laws on Property Damage
In this message, we resume our “Covenant” series, and we again look at a series of principles that we may consider overly detailed – but these principles undergird our modern justice system regarding property damage, however quickly we are drifting from this foundation.
An Eye for an Eye
In this message, we move from the troubling issue of manservants to an even more sensitive topic – capital punishment – as well as principles regarding personal injury and criminal negligence. Yet again, we’re walking through a passage that is often misinterpreted.
The Perfect Servant
In this message, we resume our “Covenant” series, and we dive into the beginning of the social legislation God gives to Israel – beginning with the problematic discussion of manservants and maidservants. It’s crucial that we hear the heart of God in this text.
The Fear of God
In this message, we conclude our look at the Ten Commandments with a vivid reminder that the Law should strike fear into the heart of its hearers.
The Minimal Standard
In this message, we continue our sermon series, “The Covenant,” from Exodus 20:14-16, and we examine three more commandments, including: 1) You shall not commit adultery, 2) You shall not steal, and 3) You shall not bear false witness. Together, they challenge us to examine the standard by which we’re living our lives.
Our Fellow Man
In this message, we continue our sermon series, “The Covenant,” from Exodus 20:12-13, and we look at the fifth and sixth commandments. Also, the commands turn from our relationship with God to the more meddlesome business of our relationship with fellow men.
Remember the Sabbath
In this message, we continue our sermon series, “The Covenant,” from Exodus 20:8-11, and we are challenged yet again to remember the Sabbath. How are we doing today with the principles of the Sabbath to rest, to reflect on God, to trust God and to worship Him?
God’s Worth
In this message, we continue our sermon series, “The Covenant,” from Exodus 20:1-7, and we come to the beginning of the Ten Commandments. It’s crucial that we understand that our Creator is trying to tell us who He is but, also, that life is best lived in the bounds of these constraints. The Law is not arbitrary – it is for our own good.
God’s Work
Today, as we continue our sermon series, “The Covenant,” from Exodus 19:16-25, we get a very vivid, fearsome reminder that God is altogether holy and more powerful than we can comprehend – key thoughts to understand before entering a covenant with Him.
God’s Words
In this message, we begin a new sermon series in Exodus 19-24 we’re calling, “The Covenant,” in which we’ll examine the covenant God forms with Israel, and how its terms and conditions reveal to us His character.
The Advice of Jethro
In the final message of our sermon series, “The Crisis,” we get a small glimpse into the personal life of Moses and we overhear some disputed advice from his father-in-law regarding how he should meet the needs of the nation.
Family Reunion
In this message, we get a great template for sharing our own personal encounters with our merciful God with those in our families and beyond as we study Moses’ encounter with his father-in-law.
Lift Up Your Hands
In this message, we see Israel’s first encounter with warfare, as well as God’s curious, miraculous way of providing for them in the midst of their enemies.
Testing & Quarreling
In this message, we again see Israel complaining about their lack of water, and we again see God’s miraculous provision – and His amazing grace in the face of their continued complaints.
A Special Day
In this message, we get a reminder of the crucial role proper rest and worship has in our daily lives. As we’ll see, these principles are not just for Israel on their journey to the Promised Land.
A Special Diet
In this message, we again see the Israelites bitterly complaining to God about their lack of food – and we see a vivid picture of God’s grace and goodness through His provision of the manna.
The Journey Begins
In this message, we begin a new sermon series in Exodus 15-18 we’re calling, “The Crisis,” in which we’ll consider the beginning of Israel’s journey to the Promised Land and the challenges they face almost immediately – including today’s text, where they encounter a lack of water and complain bitterly to Moses and God.
The Song of Moses
In this message, we conclude this journey through “The Deliverance” of Israel with a Psalm or song of Moses. It’s a beautiful reminder that deliverance or redemption deserves a song of worship and praise!
In this message, we see what most scholars call the final judgment of Egypt and the pinnacle of God’s display of power toward His hurting nation — the parting of the Red Sea.
Be Silent
In this message, we see the crisis moment that leads to one of Israel’s historical markers – the parting of the Red Sea. But we learn so much from God’s words to them through Moses prior to the miracle. What does He say to us during hard times?
The Principle of the Firstborn
In this message, we are reminded that nothing that happened to Israel was meant to be forgotten, not in their time, not in the future days of their children, not even by the church centuries later.