Family Series – Unity: Stepping Stones or Stumbling Blocks
In this message, we conclude our staff-led sermon series on “Family.” We finish with a biblical examination of how can remain unified without limiting our freedoms in Christ and the leadership of His Spirit.
Our Family Relationships
In this message, we continue our staff-led sermon series on “Family” with a message from Mike Cloud, our Associate Pastor, on the process we should be following to make disciples in our homes, in our church, and in our community.
Family Series – Larry Walker, Bread Hatfield, and Wes Akers
In this message, we continue our staff-led sermon series on “Family” with a word from members of our Young Adult staff leadership, including Larry Walker and Bread Hatfield, emphasizing the commitments we make to one another as family members at FBC.
Our Family Response
In this message, we continue our staff-led sermon series on “Family” with a message from Jay Ham, our Pastor of Missions, Outreach, and Recreation, on the purpose statement we should have in our homes and as members of FBC.
Family Series – Justin Myrick & Brandon Mistler
In this message, we continue our staff-led sermon series on “Family” with a word from Justin Myrick and Brandon Mistler, two members of our Pastoral Team, on the core principles that we value in our family at FBC.
A Family Resemblance
In this message, we begin a new, staff-led sermon series on “Family.” We start with a look at eight marks that Christ gave His disciples that should be a part of the family DNA here at FBC: eight standards to make sure we have a “Family Resemblance.”