It is our hope that at First Baptist Russellville you will find a place where the gospel is central, people are walking together in community, and everyone is welcome! We desire for people to know Christ and make Him known, and we want to give everyone an opportunity to worship God and use their gifts for His glory. We hope you will join us!
Below you will find some basic information. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. We are here to help!
Sunday Worship (2 Services)
9:15 AM
11:00 AM
Mailing Address
200 South Denver
Russellville, AR 72801
Phone – 479.968.1316
Where to Park
Our team is ready to help you navigate your first time on campus! We reserve parking for our first time guests. Simply look for the Guest Parking sign near the front of the worship center entrance.
What to Wear
At First Baptist, you’ll see everything from shorts to suits. Most people wear casual attire, but you are welcome to wear whatever is comfortable.
What’s Available for kids
We offer gospel-centered and engaging classes from birth to high school. Your child’s safety is top priority to us and all of our volunteers have passed background checks and are highly capable of teaching your children so you can have peace of mind while you worship. We offer children’s and youth classes at 9:15 and children’s classes for birth – 2nd grade at the 11:00 service.
What to expect
Every Sunday our primary focus from beginning to end is on worshiping God. Worship Gatherings are typically an hour & fifteen minutes. We have two Sunday worship services (9:15 & 11:00 AM). You can watch one of our previous gatherings to get a general feel for our Sunday mornings. You can find a statement of our beliefs here.
Sunday Bible Study
9:30 AM – All Ages
10:50 AM – Children (Birth – 2nd Grade) // Adults
Wednesday Activities
5:00 PM – Wednesday Night Meal
6:00 PM – Awana (2yrs – 4th grade)
– MIDnight (5th – 7th grade)
– Youth (8th – 12th Grade)
– Adult Bible Study
Our mission is to know Christ and to make Him known.
It’s our desire to introduce individuals and families to Christ and then establish and equip them so that they might help others in the same way.
Our Six Habits
The process by which we accomplish our purpose involves the following six habits which should be reflected in the lives of all disciples: