The Promise Child

Dec 13, 2015

Speaker: Greg Sykes

The Promised Child

by Greg Sykes | Genesis: Answered Prayers

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The Royal Welcome

The Royal Welcome

Today, as we move into week three of our sermon series, “Joseph’s Restoration,” we get a reminder that no one – absolutely no one – is beyond the reach of God’s grace and mercy as an unlikely hero emerges from Jacob’s sons.

The Family Reunion

The Family Reunion

Today, we continue our sermon series, “Joseph’s Restoration,” and we get our first glimpse at Joseph interacting with his brothers after over twenty years of estrangement. God has positioned things so that Joseph is the only person in the world who can provide for their health and safety.

The Great Reversal

The Great Reversal

Today, we begin a new sermon series, “Joseph’s Restoration,” and we see Joseph’s elevation to the second-in-command in all of Egypt. But we also see clear foreshadowing into the future of the nation of Israel and even the coming Messiah.

The Interpretation

The Interpretation

Today, as we finish our “Betrayed Again” sermon series in Genesis, we begin to see the culmination of all the good God has been working in the background on Joseph’s behalf – Pharaoh suddenly, miraculously requires the services of an imprisoned Jewish slave. Genesis...

The Incarceration

The Incarceration

Today, as we continue our “Betrayed Again” sermon series in Genesis, we follow Joseph into prison. And his story challenges us to never stop trusting in God because, even while he is imprisoned, he conducts himself with wisdom and integrity and rises to a position of authority.

The Accusation

The Accusation

Today, we begin a new sermon series, “Betrayed Again,” as we follow Joseph into slavery in Egypt. When we contrast his conduct in Potiphar’s house with Judah’s sin with Tamar, we see a great playbook on how to flee temptation.

The Fornicator

The Fornicator

As we finish this four-week series, we turn our attention from Joseph for a moment – a moment in which we realize that Jacob’s sons are steeped in wickedness. It is a sobering reminder that the heart of a child is a fragile thing . . . and the world, the flesh, and the devil are powerful enemies.

The Betrayer

The Betrayer

In this week’s message, we see the sibling rivalry between Joseph and his brothers erupt into a murderous plot that eventually settles into enslavement. Joseph’s journey into exile and imprisonment begins – and yet he never doubts God’s goodness. His life is such a challenge to us!

The Dreamer

The Dreamer

We see the first real introduction of Jacob’s son, Joseph, in this message. Almost 25 percent of the book of Genesis pertains to Joseph – perhaps because his life so remarkably foreshadows the life and ministry of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Saul’s Failure

Saul’s Failure

Message Notes  Recent Sermons Other Sermons from this Series

A Final Warning

A Final Warning

In this message, we conclude our series on “The Call for a King,” and we read Samuel’s faithful, final warning to the nation about the dangers of their monarchy, a warning which falls on deaf ears.

Samuel’s Farewell Address

Samuel’s Farewell Address

In this message, we study what we’re calling the farewell address of Samuel. His ministry is fading in light of Saul’s ascension to the kingship – but the nation still needs to heed the wisdom of his words.

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