The Promise Child

Dec 13, 2015

Speaker: Greg Sykes

The Promised Child

by Greg Sykes | Genesis: Answered Prayers

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The Gift of Grace

The Gift of Grace

Continue our journey through Genesis and discover God’s extravagant gift of grace to us.

Genesis: Father Abraham

Genesis: Father Abraham

Join us to look at how God work powerfully in Abraham’s life, and learn how Jesus can work in your life today.

The Revival of the Ark

The Revival of the Ark

In this message, as we conclude our six-week sermon series in the book of I Samuel, “The Ark of the Covenant,” we see one final completion of the cycle repeated throughout the time period of the Judges in Israel, rebellion, retribution, repentance, and revival. Where do we find ourselves today?

The Return of the Ark

The Return of the Ark

In this message, as we continue our six-week sermon series in the book of I Samuel, “The Ark of the Covenant,” we are given a vivid reminder that God’s children are held to a much higher standard than are those who do not know Him.

The Philistines’ Plan

The Philistines’ Plan

In this message, as we continue our six-week sermon series in the book of I Samuel, “The Ark of the Covenant,” we see the foolishness of the worship of any god or anything other than the one true God. And we also see a sort of “second Exodus,” reminding Israel of God’s power and glory.

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