We believe that a significant way God works in our lives is through us hearing God’s Word taught on a regular basis. The point is not just to learn more, but to find ways to apply God’s Truth with help and accountability from others. We hope you are encouraged and challenged with these recent messages.
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Current Series:
Saul’s Foolishness
Message Notes Recent Sermons Other Sermons from this Series
Heaven Series:
Proverbs Series:
Proverbs Spring 2020 – Week 8
Decision Time: An Invitation to Death
Check out some of Sermon Series!
Luke Series
Exodus Series
When we think of Israel’s Exodus, we typically think of it in terms of its theological ramifications, such as our own freedom from sin and our own struggles with idolatry – all good things to consider. But, at the beginning, Exodus is also a practical, powerful look at the kind of man or woman God uses – and the lessons He wants His servants to learn before their service really begins.
The Book of Acts – Series
Come join us in this journey as our Pastor takes us through the book of Acts. We will hear stories and experiences from the early church and how God used them through this time.
Family Series
Proverbs – Series
Join us as our Pastor walks us through this study of Scripture. Proverbs is certainly rich with “proverbial wisdom,” but it is much, much more than that – it is a detailed handbook, from a father to a child, about all of life. It is God’s handbook of wise living for His children, and these sermons lay the foundation to properly understand the entire 31 chapters of wisdom.
Heaven Series
In the Upper Room – Series
Christianity is not a theory. It is not a academia. It is not an emotion. Christianity is a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ, and it is anchored daily by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. How do we know this? Because Christ described it all for us vividly and systematically in His last address to His disciples on the night of His arrest.