Final Sermon Spotlight
In this week’s message, we have the privilege of concluding our study of the book of Acts. And it’s quite fitting that we conclude with a final “Sermon Spotlight” that goes right to the heart of an issue alive and well even today: spiritual stubbornness.
A Summary Statement
In week five of our final sermon series in Acts, “The Center of the Empire,” we see Paul share a simple summary of all that has occurred to him since he first went to Jerusalem several years earlier – and we are reminded of the power of a trusting faith in a Holy God.
Safe at Last
In week four of our final sermon series in Acts, “The Center of the Empire,” we see a vivid example from Paul’s life of how God can redeem adversity and even disaster for our good and His glory.
In week three of our final sermon series in Acts, “The Center of the Empire,” we are reminded that God truly is sovereign over all the affairs of men and nature itself. God is bending even the shipwreck of Paul’s ship to His purposes.
Sail Into the Storm
In week two of our final sermon series in Acts, “The Center of the Empire,” we come to one of the most familiar texts in the book of Acts – the storm that swallows the ship carrying Paul to Rome.
Such As I Am
In this week’s message, we start our final series in our journey through the book of Acts, entitled, “The Center of the Empire.” We begin with the conclusion of Paul’s hearing before King Agrippa – the final act before he heads to Rome.
Paul’s Perplexity
In today’s message, “Paul’s Perplexity,” from Acts 25:13-27, we are reminded that the things of God and the behavior of His saints, when we are walking rightly, will often confuse those who are anchored in darkness.
Paul’s Witness
In today’s message, “Paul’s Witness,” from Acts 26:1-33, we witness one of Paul’s most amazing “Sermon Spotlights,” all while his life and freedom hang in the balance before Agrippa and Festus.
Paul’s Appeal
In today’s message, “Paul’s Appeals,” from Acts 24:22-25:12, we are reminded of how those who need Christ will typically respond to the truth and power of the Gospel as Paul dialogues with Felix.
Paul’s Defense
In today’s message, “Paul’s Defense,” from Acts 24:1-21, we see the beginning of a series of “defenses” Paul must make before Jewish and Roman authorities. As we’ve come to expect, his calm, his intellect, and his faith shine through.
Paul’s Deliverance
In today’s message, “Paul’s Deliverance,” from Acts 23:6-25, we see Paul’s circumstances continue to deteriorate – but we also receive a powerful reminder that God is always sovereign, especially when we feel life is out of control.
Paul’s Contempt
In today’s message, “Paul’s Contempt,” from Acts 22:22-23:5, we see the humanity of Paul on full display. It’s another reminder that he was not a superhero or a robot – nor was he perfect. He was a man, a man struggling with his sin; yet, he fought consistently to focus on the Gospel.
Lord’s Supper Service – 9/2
Today, we have the special privilege of celebrating the Lord’s Supper together as a community of faith.
Paul’s Personal Testimony
In today’s message, “Paul’s Personal Testimony,” from Acts 22:1-21, we get the incredible privilege of hearing and studying Paul’s personal testimony – another “Sermon Spotlight” — as he stands in chains in Jerusalem.
A Balancing Act
Today’s message, “A Balancing Act,” from Acts 21:17-26, kicks of a new sermon series, “The Last Journey.” It is still a missionary journey, in some sense, because of Paul’s Gospel witness and boldness – but it will end with him in chains.
Another Angry Mob
In today’s message, “Another Angry Mob,” from Acts 21:27-40, we watch as Paul again faces a violent mob – and we are challenged yet again by Paul’s calm in adversity and his willingness to suffer for the sake of the Gospel.
The Will of God
In this message, “The Will of God,” as we conclude our sermon series in Acts, “The Third Missionary Journey,” we receive a determined treatise on what it looks like to determine the will of God and how to trust Him with suffering and hardship.
Paul’s Pastoral Plea
In this message, “Paul’s Pastoral Plea,” from our sermon series in Acts, “The Third Missionary Journey,” we come to our eighth sermon spotlight in the book. It includes some of the most clear, unvarnished advice from Paul to both pastors and churches.
Raising the Dead
In this message, “Raising the Dead,” from our sermon series in Acts, “The Third Missionary Journey,” we are reminded of the dangers of falling asleep during the sermon . . . and we see the power of God, through Paul, to raise the dead.
In this message, “Counterattack,” from our sermon series in Acts, “The Third Missionary Journey,” we see again the power of idolatry in the lives of those Paul was sharing the Gospel with – and we definitely see reflection of these events in our current society, too.
The Seven Sons of Sceva
In this message, “The Seven Sons of Sceva,” from our sermon series in Acts, “The Third Missionary Journey,” we are given some sobering truths regarding the demonic realm, the power of God, and the dangers of religious pretenders and charlatans.
Paul Keeps His Promise
In this message, “Paul Keeps His Promise,” from our sermon series in Acts, “The Third Missionary Journey,” we are challenged by some crucial doctrine about both baptism and the Holy Spirit’s ministry as Paul keeps his promise to return to the city of Ephesus.
Essential Exhortation
As we conclude our sermon series in Acts, “The Second Missionary Journey,” we see a weary, wiser Paul facing some final opposition and giving out some final exhortations for the churches in Corinth and Ephesus before he returns home to Antioch.
The Masterpiece at Mars Hill
As we move into week six of our sermon series in Acts, “The Second Missionary Journey,” we come to one of the most memorable, most powerful “Sermon Spotlights” in all of the book: Paul’s “Masterpiece at Mars Hill.”
Setting the Stage
As we move into week five of our sermon series in Acts, “The Second Missionary Journey,” we explore Paul’s ministry and reactions upon arriving in one of the most influential and godless cities in the First Century: Athens.
A Contrast in Cities
As we move into week four of our sermon series in Acts, “The Second Missionary Journey,” we see radically different responses to the Gospel in two different cities, a reminder to us that we, too, can expect both opposition and fruit in our evangelism efforts.
Miracles at Midnight
As we move into week three of our sermon series in Acts, “The Second Missionary Journey,” we study one of the most memorable moments in Acts: Paul and Silas in jail in Philippi. Their reaction to suffering is incredibly instructive, even in our day.
The Battle Begins
As we move into week two of our sermon series in Acts, “The Second Missionary Journey,” we see Paul encounter significant resistance to the Gospel in Philippi – for the exact same reasons we see resistance in our community, as well.
Westward Expansion
For Easter Sunday, we kick off a new sermon series in the book of Acts entitled, “The Second Missionary Journey.” The beginning of the second missionary journey helps us each to understand how important it is in life to have direction – the right direction, a Godward direction.
Good, From the Bad Again
Today, as we conclude our sermon series in Acts, “The Jerusalem Council,” we are reminded yet again that God always brings good from even the worst of circumstances – including the controversy that precipitated the Jerusalem Council and a brutal disagreement between Paul and Barnabas.
The Council’s Verdict
Today, as we move into week three of our sermon series in Acts, “The Jerusalem Council,” we study both the Council’s verdict about the Gospel and its implications and lasting impact on both the early church and Christianity today.
Another Crucial Voice
Today, as we move into week two of our sermon series in Acts, “The Jerusalem Council,” we hear a powerful voice, James, the half-brother of Jesus, add his theological approval to the words we’ve studied from both the Apostle Peter and the Apostle Paul.
Grace Alone
Today, we kick off a new sermon series in the book of Acts entitled, “The Jerusalem Council.” In Acts 15, we examine a crucial, historic meeting in Jerusalem to determine the answer to a life-changing truth: just what must a person do to be saved?
The End of the Line
In the conclusion of our sermon series in Acts, “The First Missionary Journey,” we see another miraculous escape by Paul from execution, and we come to the end of this mostly successful journey to spread the Gospel.
Jew & Gentile Alike
In week five of our sermon series in Acts, “The First Missionary Journey,” we watch the missionaries barely escape execution one minute only to be exalted as gods the next. If anything, we’re reminded that preaching the Gospel among the lost is rarely easy or predictable.
Sermon Spotlight: Part Two “Paul’s First Sermon”
In week three of our sermon series in Acts, “The First Missionary Journey,” we conclude our look at the first recorded sermon from the Apostle Paul. This week, his tone turns from encouragement to rebuke.
Sermon Spotlight: Part One “Paul’s First Sermon”
In week two of our sermon series in Acts, “The First Missionary Journey,” we come to our sixth Sermon Spotlight in the book. This is Paul’s first recorded sermon, preached to his Jewish brethren in the synagogue at Antioch of Pisidia.
Obeying Christ’s Commands
In this message, we kick off a new sermon series in the book of Acts entitled, “The First Missionary Journey.” In Acts 13-14, we see the heart for missions of the Antioch church, and we follow the footsteps of the first missionaries, Barnabas and Saul/Paul.
The Church’s Persecution
This week, as we conclude our sermon series in Acts, “The Church & the Gentiles,” we are reminded that whenever lives are being changed and churches are growing, opposition will arise. And yet God’s kingdom always wins in the end.
Paul & Barnabas
This week, as we continue our sermon series in Acts, “The Church & the Gentiles,” we are first introduced to perhaps the model church in the book of Acts: the church at Antioch.
Peter & the Church – #5
This week, as we move into week nine of our sermon series in Acts, “The Church & the Gentiles,” we consider our fifth “Sermon Spotlight.” It should sound familiar – Peter essentially has to reproach his message from Acts 10 to the hard-hearted church in Jerusalem.
Peter and the Gentiles – Part 4
This week, as we move into week eight of our sermon series in Acts, “The Church & the Gentiles,” we finally have another “Sermon Spotlight.” This time, we hear Peter embrace the plan of God for the salvation of every race, tribe, and tongue.
Sunday Sermon – 12/3/17
This week, as we move into week seven of our sermon series in Acts, “The Church & the Gentiles,” we see the difficulty Peter has in dropping his inherent cultural and ethnic biases and preferences. Is it not likely that we still struggle with the same issues, and this can prevent the spread of the Gospel?
The Power of Peter
This week, as we move into week six of our sermon series in Acts, “The Church & the Gentiles,” we are reminded that the Gospel has still not left the immediate region around Jerusalem – but it is about to do so. And, this time, the Apostle Peter is going to be in the middle of things.
The Education of Saul
This week, as we move into week five of our sermon series in Acts, “The Church & the Gentiles,” we are reminded that Saul’s journey to becoming the Apostle Paul was both a long one but also a difficult one. There is a price to be paid to be used by God.
The Old Servant
This week, as we move into week four of our sermon series in Acts, “The Church & the Gentiles,” we must consider the power of living a simple, Godly life, filled with kindness, obedience, and service. God does not just use men like Paul in His kingdom.
An Open Heart
This week, as we move into week two of our sermon series in Acts, “The Church & the Gentiles,” we see the power of divine appointments as we seek to spread the Gospel. Are we trusting God to lead us to open hearts at just the right time?
A Cautionary Tale
This week, we kick off a new sermon series in the book of Acts entitled, “The Church & the Gentiles.” In Acts 8-12, the Gospel begins to spread beyond the walls of Jerusalem to new cities, communities and ethnic groups. Today’s text provides a cautionary tale in the midst of the Gospel explosion.
Paul and Phillip
In this message, as we conclude our sermon series in Acts, “The Church’s Leaders,” we see the contrast between the anger and hatred of Saul (soon to become Paul) and the Godly service of the deacon Philip in the commonly despised region of Samaria.
Stephen & the Sanhedrin, 3 C
In this message, as we move into week five of our sermon series in Acts, “The Church’s Leaders,” we conclude our look at Stephen’s powerful sermon while on trial before the Sanhedrin with his judgment on the nation and eventual death.