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Hannah’s Supplication

Hannah’s Supplication

In this message, we continue our nine-week sermon series in the book of I Samuel, “Samuel’s Call,” and we study the first prayer from a woman quoted in God’s Word. We vividly see her heartbreak, her desire, and her incredible faith, so that we should be better equipped to invite God into our own sorrows.

Previous Sermons

An Invitation to a Great Banquet

An Invitation to a Great Banquet

In this message, we continue our sermon series, “In the Shadow of the Cross,” and Jesus again challenges and stuns the religious leaders of Israel by emphasizing Gentile participation in the Gospel – as well as end times events and the resurrection.

Dining in the Lion’s Den

Dining in the Lion’s Den

In this message, we begin a new sermon series, “In the Shadow of the Cross,” and we certainly see the intensity of Christ’s day-to-day life increasing as He faces the wrath of the Pharisees at a banquet – all while challenging them about their legalism and pride.

Straight Talk

Straight Talk

In this message, as we conclude our sermon series, “Journey to Jerusalem,” we see Christ reject speculation about how many will be saved and instead redirect the conversation to the two questions which really matter: how can I be saved and am I saved?

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