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Hannah’s Sorrow

Hannah’s Sorrow

In this message, we continue our nine-week sermon series in the book of I Samuel, “Samuel’s Call,” and we draw closer to the suffering and heartache of Hannah. Her life shows us a vivid picture that God is alive and well even in the worst of our brokenness.

Previous Sermons

Straighten on the Sabbath

Straighten on the Sabbath

In this message, we continue our sermon series, “Journey to Jerusalem,” and we see the end of Christ’s formal teaching ministry in Israel’s synagogues – a cessation sadly triggered by His compassionate healing of a woman who had been crippled for eighteen years.

Repent or Perish

Repent or Perish

In this message, we continue our sermon series, “Journey to Jerusalem,” and listen as Jesus responds to the crowds’ demand that He conform to their desires – with another powerful command that they repent and follow Him or prepare to face the judgment.

The Watchful Servant

The Watchful Servant

In this message, we continue our sermon series, “Journey to Jerusalem,” and we consider Christ’s instructions on how we should live in these “last days,” the time in which the days are dark and Christ could return for His bride at any time.

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